**This post is very photo intensive. Not to be viewed by people who are tired of seeing pics of my family.**
In the farming world there's something called "Sod Bustin". This is where ground previously used for grazing or houses or scenic meadowland or a brick factory becomes land on which you plant crops. After plowing a couple times you need good, strong people to get in there and clean up all the rocks, bricks, tools, barbed wire, tree trunks and scrap metal that have been unearthed. And when you need to sod bust, you call in your very best farmhands.
Then you notice right away that some hands work faster than others.
But most importantly we all work together.
Some workers are cute when they don't do anything.
Some smile and make your heart flip flop even when they smell like...well, you know.
And some find these amazing spear-shaped treasures.
Some are concerned with keeping things cleaned up.
(I asked Lydia what she was doing in this picture, "My Lilla Ru doin' sumpin' bad". Then I giggled and giggled.)
But the hands-down best part about tromping through fields looking for junk is the 4-wheeler that gets you to the next spot to purge.
This is what we've become...
a family who wears boots as part of our education...
and gloves to drive.
I'm lovin' Us.
I didn't get to help, so really enjoyed the pictures. Great story, love those faces.
Awl...I miss you all so much. Fun times, great memories!
That last one is such a great shot. And it's perfect for your title image.
My only question is ... was it warm or cold that day? The last picture is very confusing. Some in sweaters, long sleeves and some in short sleeves and summer dresses. haha Love the weather in the North!
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