Sunday, May 10, 2009

Did you ever do this?

Did you ever climb up on your Mommy and Daddy's bed with a gaggle of cousins and eat popcorn out of plastic popcorn tubs and watch Horton Hears a Who?

Did you?

It's really fun.

Especially because of the plastic popcorn tubs.


mommy4 said...

Oh that Lydia! She looks so precious. How fun to have them all in one place sitting nicely.

Amy said...

No, but I really want to now!! Those are the most adorable children EVER.

Vicki said...

What fun, and yes I have. Thanks for asking. Hey you need to decide what the menu is for next monday!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Fun! Where did you get the popcorn containers and more importantly how long did it take you to sweep up ALL the popcorn mess or are you still finding it in your sleep! haha

Val said...

That makes me miss you all!!!

Jody said...

Vicki, I'm thinking Caesar salad, too. Or homemade tortillas.

Kelly, the dollar bin at Target and I make them pick up every single kernel before they go to bed!

Val, girl, come on down here!!! Only a few long plane rides or a REALLY long car drive and you're here!