Monday, September 15, 2008

Look What We Found!

We're hitting stride with Homeschooling.

We've got our routine down. Bible "class" first with all three kids, then the boys have Play time while Claire does Math.

Then the boys head back into the house to do "school". Basically, I decided to teach them colors and shapes. Don't for a second think that they're actually learning anything like letters or reading. Oh no. We've got a l-o-n-g way to go in fine motor skills before I even try to have them write their names. But they do get to use scissors! That's the highlight of most mornings for them.

Back to my story. So I'm diligently teaching Claire Arithmetic while Lydia naps and the boys play outside. Suddenly, quite loudly I hear:

Boys: Mom! MahhhhhhhaM! Mom! You've gotta seeeeeee this! Mom! Mama! Come quick!

Me (out the screen door): Boys, I'm teaching Claire right now. You'll have to wait.

Boys: But Mahhhhhham, you have to seeeeeeeee this. Mommmmmeeeeey! Come out and see this bug!

Me: Seriously, stop yelling. We're doing School here. I'm teaching Claire. This is Math time.
Then, I listen to myself. Hmmmm. . . . We're doing school . . . . I'm teaching Claire . . . This is time for Math . . . not time for any other type of learning . . . isn't this supposed to be the joy of homeschooling? . . . Exploring creation on God's timetable, in season, instead of by the clock or through textbooks? . . . hmmmm.

Me: Claire, let's go look at what the boys found.

Hooray! For a choleric personality to be able to float with someone else's schedule!

And we had a great time playing with, err . . I mean learning all about this Praying Mantis during "Science Class" :)

After we were done, and I reviewed the 86 pictures I took on a random insect I felt like the bug began to speak to me. Or maybe I began to speak to it. This one I call,

Intelligent, yet Charming

This one is
Fancy Prancer

Are you talkin' to me?

If I were 6000 times my size, I'd eat you alive!

Where's Waldo?

Here's looking at me, Kid

Okay, okay, I know. I need to find more things to do with myself than have conversations with pictures of bugs.

This one was a little challenging because I was trying to use Luke's electric blue shirt as a background and use my macro lens. So I've got a squiggly boy, a squiggly bug and a super-sensitive lens all moving at the same time. Sure was fun!

Okay, if there was a bug version of GQ magazine. This guy would TOTALLY be on the cover. I'm serious! Does he know how to pose, or what?! Is anybody else feelin' me on this one?

GQ Bug
And just as an extra bonus because God wanted to bless my breaking out of Math victory, He sent this little guy along to expand our science class for the day.

Do you know what kind of bee that is?


Amy said...

Okay, I'll admit I am a little mantis crazy here too. They are just super neat bugs! We caught a baby one (at Walmart, go figure) early in the summer, and still have it as a "pet". I still can't believe I am choosing to make myself responsible for feeding one more mouth. The neighbors must think I'm crazy out with my "bug vacuum" catching moths every few nights. We had a big one (mantis) land on our window (on the outside) this week. The boys noticed and we watched and watched him. He stuck around for over 24 hours! Maybe then he flew to your house! :) Amazing pictures.

Kelly said...

We've done the same thing with our butterflies. It's kind of cool just to be able to sit and enjoy God's creation. About the bee - I don't know what kind it is I just hope he never comes to visit me! :-)

Mark said...

Amy, I'm so glad to know I'm not the only one! Can a mantis change color? Cuz we think we saw the same bug yesterday, but it was brown? You're now the mantis expert in my book!

Kelly, I hope someday we get to see a cocoon and butterfly in nature, too!