Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is Our Florida

I know you've been patiently waiting to hear how our trip went in Florida. The wait is over. It was . . . . . . . PERFECT!!!! Here are just a few glimpses into our vacation.

In Florida this is how we roll . . .

how we dream. . .

how we home school . . .

how we play . . .

how we hang out . . .

And this is how I spend my free time . . .

If I weren't a child photographer, I'd be a macro-images-of-flowers photographer. . .

I took pictures for hours of these delicate beauties. Okay, that's not true. I quickly snapped photos as I was pushing my baby in the stroller on the way to the pool. But I could take pictures for hours of them if only I didn't have a zillion other things to do with my time. Let's just say I really like taking pictures of things like flowers, really close up,when I have a few seconds while pushing a stroller, or pulling a wagon, or hanging out on vacation.
If you want to see more of these magnified delicacies. Just ask. I've got oh, . . . about 40 of them in different colors, different angles, different lighting, different walks with the stroller.

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