Saturday, March 15, 2008


Remember this house? The one we were going to buy? The beautiful 100 year old Victorian with wrap-around porch, original woodwork and gigantic oak tree in the back yard?

Really cool house, huh?

Well . . . it had a problem. A really big problem. The house was empty when we put our offer on it. It had been empty all fall and winter. Well . . . the problem with an empty old house in Illinois is it means the electricity, gas and water were not turned on. What, you say, does it matter if utilities are turned on in an empty house? No one's there to cook. No one needs to stay warm. No one takes a bath or washes dishes. No one leaves lights on or forgets to turn off the iron. No one sees if the pipes burst from freezing inside the walls and under the floors. Oh. That one could be a problem. A really big problem.

Really cool house + really big problem.

But you know us Robinsons. We root for the underdog. We love ugly ducklings! We cheer for the losers. We beat a dead horse until it lives again. (I may have made that one up.) So, in the spirit of all that is good and right with the world we took our contract on this comfy Victorian house and threw it out the window.

Now we're buying this house:

Really cool house + really big problem + good plumber - $9000 = The Robinson's new house. (again)

More pictures to come of the renovations. New closing date April 10.


Ginger said...

I must have missed the post about not buying it. I tho't you were in it by now. lol!
Underdog or not, it's a beautiful house.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty house! I love it, can't wait to see more photos.

The Michaels said...

You just crack me up every time I read your blog! I love getting a small glimpse into your sweet world.

Kelly said...

This is what true faithfulness looks like!
So happy that you will FINALLY have a home again! Can't wait to see the pictures!

Bekah said...

Yea for perseverance and good plumbers!!! I am so excited about you guys getting this home...she's a beauty!

Richard Best said...

oh yay, I loved the house :) from the photo's before. Congratulations. Karen